Tiffany’s Dream – 120cm x 100cm Model paste, acrylic paint and resin 2023




This piece narrates the poignant story of Tiffany, a beautiful woman constrained by societal expectations and self-limiting beliefs. These forces leave her feeling as if she is encased in stone, her innermost emotions stifled and her true potential unfulfilled. Though stoically beautiful, she is rigidly confined, unable to blossom into her full self. Deep within her lies a vibrant, unseen self—rich with thoughts and ambitions, a beautiful soul yearning to break free. In her dreams, she lives this life fully, free from the constraints of reality. Tiffany feels a painful duality, living a double life and donning a mask to conform to societal norms. Unbeknownst to her, the world is hers to shape and would embrace the radiant person she truly is. Until Tiffany recognizes her power, the person she longs to be will remain sheltered in her dreams, wandering the astral plane, liberated from judgment and self-criticism. In this realm, she finds solace and the freedom to be her true self, waiting for the day she can bring this dream self into reality.